A collection of python classes making use of the anavar package simpler from within python.
anavar_utils is a python package designed to facilitate the easy creation of control files for anavar (Barton and Zeng, 2018) as well as providing classes for the easy interpretation of anavar’s results files.
Anavar is available here, the manual describes in much more detail the models available and the parameters in the control files than in these docs.
To use the package to create a simple control file:
from __future__ import print_function
import anavar_utils as an
# data needed for anavar, SFS, callable sites and sample size
sample_size = 10
site_frequencies = [20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 2, 1]
n_sites = 10000
# anavar_utils takes the sfs data in a dictionary
sfs_dict = {'SNP': (site_frequencies, n_sites)}
# intiate control file instance
control_file = an.Snp1ControlFile()
# set the data
control_file.set_data(sfs_dict, sample_size)
# construct control file string
control_contents = control_file.construct()
# output to a file or to stdout
This gives:
search_algorithm: NLOPT_LD_LBFGS
maxeval: 100000
maxtime: 600
num_searches: 500
nnoimp: 1
maximp: 3
optional: false
model: SNP_1
n: 17
m: 10000
folded: false
sfs: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 2, 1
dfe: discrete
c: 1
theta_range: 1e-06, 0.1
gamma_range: -250, 10
e_range: 0.0, 0.5
constraint: none
In its simplest form a control file can be created for a given model
with only the site frequency spectrum, the number of callable sites
(in some cases and if per site parameter estimates are not required
this can be set to 0) and the sample size. The control file classes
take this data (using the .set_data()
method) in the form of a
dictionary, with keys specific to each model, as show in the table
model | dictionary format |
SNP_1 | {'SNP': (sfs, n_sites)} |
INDEL_1 | {'INS': (sfs, n_sites), 'DEL': (sfs, n_sites)} |
gBGC_GLEMIN_EXTENDED_M1* | {'neutral_SNPs': (sfs, n_sites), 'ws_SNPs': (sfs, n_sites), 'sw_SNPs': (sfs, n_sites)} |
neutralINDEL_vs_selectedINDEL | {'neutral_INS': (sfs, n_sites), 'neutral_DEL': (sfs, n_sites), 'selected_INS': (sfs, n_sites), 'selected_DEL': (sfs, n_sites)} |
neutralSNP_vs_selectedSNP | {'neutral_SNP': (sfs, n_sites), 'selected_SNP': (sfs, n_sites)} |
The site frequency data needs to provide in the form of frequency counts from low freq to high freq with frequencies with no variants entered as 0. For example this site frequency spectrum (SFS):
Would be expressed as:
sfs = [100, 50, 33, 25, 20, 17, 14, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5]
class Snp1ControlFile
Initiates instance of class to be used for creating a control file for the SNP_1 model. Also the parent class for all other control file classes.
Creates the final control file string with all specified settings
set_alg_opts(self, alg='NLOPT_LD_LBFGS', maxeval=100000, maxtime=600, search=500, nnoimp=1, maximp=3, optional=False, size=10000, key=3, epsabs=1e-50, epsrel=1e-10, rftol=1e-10, init=())
Sets algorithm options in control file
alg - (str) - default’NLOPT_LD_LBFGS’: the algorithm to use, choose from: ‘NLOPT_LD_SLSQP’, ‘NLOPT_LD_LBFGS’, ‘NLOPT_LD_VAR1’, ‘NLOPT_LD_VAR2’, ‘NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD’ or ‘NLOPT_LD_TNEWTON_PRECOND_RESTART’
maxeval - (int) - default=100000: search will be aborted when the likelihood function has been evaluated this number of times but the algorithm is still deemed non-converged
maxtime - (int) - default=600: search will be aborted when the algorithm has been running for the given amount of time (in seconds)
search - (int) - default=500: number of independent searches to be carried out
nnoimp - (int) - default=1: if is set to 1, then no improvement search is attempted, otherwise, improvement searches will be conducted until nnoimp number of consecutive improvement attempts lead to no significant improvement in the ln-likelihood
maximp - (int) - default=3: maximum number of improvement searches
optional - (bool) - default=False: if True, then optional commands will be included (optional commands are set separately, but will not be included until optional is set to True)
size - (int) - default=10000: controls QAG adaptive integration algorithm in GSL see: https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/QAG-adaptive-integration.html
key - (int) - default=3: controls QAG adaptive integration algorithm in GSL see: https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/QAG-adaptive-integration.html
epsabs - (float) - default (anavar_utils)=1e-50 - default (anavar1.4)=1e-5: controls QAG adaptive integration algorithm in GSL see: https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/QAG-adaptive-integration.html
epsrel - (float) - default (anavar_utils)=1e-10 - default (anavar1.4)=1e-8: controls QAG adaptive integration algorithm in GSL see: https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/QAG-adaptive-integration.html
rftol - (float) - default (anavar_utils)=1e-10 - default (anavar1.4)=1e-8: when consecutive search steps differ by less than the given value then the algorithm is considered to have converged
init - (tuple) - default=(): takes a tuple of starting values of all parameters (in order of appearance in results file) for the model, default gives random starting values within parameter ranges
set_constraint(self, constraint)
Sets model constraints in control file
set_data(self, sfs_m, n, snp_fold=False, dfe='discrete', c=1, theta_r=(1e-06, 0.1), gamma_r=(-250, 10), error_r=(0.0, 0.5), shape_r=(0.001, 200), scale_r=(0.1, 1000.0), r_r=(0.05, 5.0))
Sets model and dfe commands in control file
sfs_m - (dict) - required: site frequency data in the form of {key: (sfs_list, number_call_sites)} see table at beginning of API section for the relevant dictionary structure for each model
n - (int) - required: sample size
snp_fold - (bool) - default=False: if specified sets folded to True, i.e. informs the model that a folded (unpolarised) SFS is given
dfe - (str) - default=’discrete’: sets the type of DFE to use, choose from ‘discrete’ or ‘continuous’
c - (int) - default=1: if dfe=’discrete’ then c determines the number of classes of sites to estimate parameters for
theta_r - (tuple) - default=(1e-06, 0.1): specifies the lower and upper theta limits in the form (lower, upper)
gamma_r - (tuple) - default=(-250, 10): specifies the lower and upper gamma limits in the form (lower, upper)
error_r - (tuple) - default=(0.0, 0.5): specifies the lower and upper polarisation error limits in the form (lower, upper)
shape_r - (tuple) - default=(0.001, 200): specifies the lower and upper polarisation shape parameter limits in the form (lower, upper)
scale_r - (tuple) - default=(0.1, 1000.0): specifies the lower and upper polarisation scale parameter limits in the form (lower, upper)
r_r - (tuple) - default=(0.05, 5.0): specifies the lower and upper polarisation r parameter limits in the form (lower, upper)
set_dfe_optional_opts(self, optional=False, fraction=0.005, degree=50, delta=1e-05)
Sets optional commands for the DFE
optional - (bool) - default=False: if True optional commands will be added to control file
fraction - (float) - default=0.005: for controlling the step size, h, used in numerical differentiation
degree - (int) - default=50: the integration over the Gamma distribution is approximated by an n-degree Gaussian quadrature
delta - (float) - default=1e-5: for controlling the step size, h, used in numerical differentiation
class GbgcControlFile
Initiates instance of class to be used for creating a control file for the gBGC_EXTENDED_M1* model.
Inherits methods from Snp1ControlFile.
set_constraint(self, constraint)
Sets model constraints in control file
class Indel1ControlFile
Initiates instance of class to be used for creating a control file for the INDEL_1 model.
Inherits methods from Snp1ControlFile.
set_constraint(self, constraint)
Sets model constraints in control file
class IndelNeuSelControlFile
Initiates instance of class to be used for creating a control file for the neutralINDEL_vs_selectedINDEL model.
Inherits methods from Snp1ControlFile.
set_constraint(self, constraint)
Sets model constraints in control file
class SNPNeuSelControlFile
Initiates instance of class to be used for creating a control file for the neutralSNP_vs_selectedSNP model.
Inherits methods from Snp1ControlFile.
set_constraint(self, constraint)
Sets model constraints in control file
class ResultsFile
ResultsFile(self, anavar_results_file)
Creates an anavar results file object from a file object of a valid anavar results file
bounds_hit(self, theta_r=(1e-06, 0.1), gamma_r=(-250, 10), error_r=(0.0, 0.5), shape_r=(0.001, 200), scale_r=(0.1, 1000.0), r_r=(0.05, 5.0))
Determines if any of the parameter estimates in the results file have hit their upper or lower limits
theta_r - (tuple) - default=(1e-06, 0.1): specifies the lower and upper theta limits in the form (lower, upper)
gamma_r - (tuple) - default=(-250, 10): specifies the lower and upper gamma limits in the form (lower, upper)
error_r - (tuple) - default=(0.0, 0.5): specifies the lower and upper polarisation error limits in the form (lower, upper)
shape_r - (tuple) - default=(0.001, 200): specifies the lower and upper polarisation shape parameter limits in the form (lower, upper)
scale_r - (tuple) - default=(0.1, 1000.0): specifies the lower and upper polarisation scale parameter limits in the form (lower, upper)
r_r - (tuple) - default=(0.05, 5.0): specifies the lower and upper polarisation r parameter limits in the form (lower, upper)
Determines if algorithm has converged. If ln likelihoods differ by less than 0.1 algorithm is said to have converged
estimates(self, as_string=False)
get_alpha(self, dn, ds, var_type)
Calculates alpha (proportion of substitutions fixed by positive selection) using equation 19 in Barton and Zeng (2018)
dn - (float) - required: non-synonymous divergence
ds - (float) - required: synonymous divergence
var_type - (str) - required: variant type to calculate alpha for, choose from ‘snp’, ‘indel’, ‘ins’, and ‘del’
ml_estimate(self, as_string=False)
Gets the maximum likelihood estimate from the results file (assumes a sorted results file)
class MultiResultsFile
MultiResultsFile(self, file_list)
Merges anavar results files by creating ResultsFile instances for each file and writing a temporary results file of merged results before calling a ResultsFile instance on the new merged file, which is then deleted.